Jiri Trnka created this stop motion animation called 'The Hand'. He used a puppet for his main character and I'm guessing his own hand or someone else's hand for the other character. In this video Jiri Trnka uses dark and dirty colours to create the mood of the story, but the music he uses is more of an up beat and uses a lot of crescendo's when something is about to happen. Also he uses hidden messages in the animation like the hand having more power over the puppet guy, or the hand being a symbol for the government and the puppet guy being someone rebelling against them. For example when the hand is reshaping the clay to look like a hand but the puppet guy is constantly changing it back to the pot it once was. Another example is when the hand placed the puppet guy in a cage and made him sculpted another hand but when the main hand went away the puppet guy uses his sculpture to escape and be free. But at the end of the video the puppet guy dies and the hand ends up making a coffin out of the wardrobe for the puppet guy and surrounds him with the things he love.
This 2D animation by Ersatz called 'Zagreb Film' an oddly shaped man is at the beach, with a load of inflatable objects at his disposal. His inflatables also included women, one which he blew up but then deflated because he didn't like her appearance and another which he had to change the size of her boobs so that she looks more attractive. After he finished sorting out the woman she came to life but wasn't attracted to the man so rejected him because of his appearance, personality and physical well being. The story is mainly based around the man chasing the woman trying to get her to go out with him, but when he doesn't achieve this he decides to deflate her back to a small shape. I think that the main message behind this video is that you can't always treat things like an object and that you can't always have things go your way.
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