Tuesday, 10 January 2017

CoP 3: Summarising My Experience

My overall experience has been mostly positive about the work that i've produced for this module, there has been points that I've found difficult like my Maya scene not being able to save and the texturing didn't work how I wanted it but I got over it. I found that during the module I've learnt a hell of a lot of new techniques and skill in particle simulations and I'll be using these skills in my Extended Practice module. I've also delved into new software, Blender, and tried to create simulations in there, and I now have the courage to delve into other softwares like Houdini if it's not too expensive.

Different Solvers / Softwares I've used

Throughout the module I've only used two different softwares, Autodesk Maya and Blender, both are good at particle simulations but in my opinion I found Maya to be the better software. This is because maya can have more control over the particles and it uses a better solver, the FLIP, where as Blender uses the Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH) solver. I've found that Blender was simple enough to used for modelling and lighting but when it came to the FX I found it to be a bit awkward to use, this may be because I'm not used to the software but I just had to keep looking at tutorials to figure out how to use the simulations system. I feel like I've learnt a lot more in the software Maya and how I can use Bifrost for smoke and liquid simulations to create character elements.

Animation Testing

I've found that with the testing there was a lot of waiting around for my computer to process a slight change that I made in a simulation. This would be because I'm manipulating over 10 to 20 million particles but I'd only change something small like the size of the foam or the amount of churn the wave produced. With the testing I learn what can control the particles in the simulation, like fields and forces or accelerators and guides. I found that the accelerator give me the ability to control the amount of a destructive look I could give the wave. I've also found myself watching many tutorial on particle simulations and now feel like I could create my own tutorial with the knowledge I've gathered watching others.


For the writing side of this module I found it to be interesting if I knew what I was talking about but if I had trouble knowing what I was going to write it would take hours for me to write like a couple hundred words. Don't get me wrong this was the most interesting essay that I've written and I'd carry on the research to further my knowledge. Actually writing the dissertation wasn't as daunting because I split it up into different chapters and so it made me think that I just had four or five different essays which had about 2-3000 words in them. This make it easier for me to construct my dissertation and keep on top of what I was talking about so I don't end up waffling or repeating my words.

I've found that overall this module has been interesting and helped me gain more knowledge in the different softwares. And this module and helped guide me for my other modules. I'm also pleased with the practical outcome that I've produces and I'd like to continue making more simulations in the future.    

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