Thursday, 13 October 2016

CoP 3: Methodologies and Critical Analysis

This is a logical, systematic, and structured way of arganising a research project. It shows the evidence that you have reflected critically on various research methods and chosen which is most useful in your research, It's also unique to each project.

Richard explained that every research project needs to have a methodology, and that every research project will have some sort of methodology, even if it is still throughout, or you don't recognise it as such. He also stated that 'methodology' is a scientistic word, which intimidates connotations, but is actually pretty straightforward.

However, that main thing that Richard said was that we need to outline our methodology at the start of our dissertations, this is so the reader will understand the way, and how, you researched your project and how you are going to go about the dissertation.

Critical Analysis
Critical is from the Greek word 'Kreinein' meaning to separate or to choose. Critical is like a form of skepticism, reasoned thinking - stepping away and using evidence and logic to come to your conclusion.

In are dissertations Richard suggested that we look into where the author/artist/designer/photographer was situated to get a better understanding where they where coming from and knowing why they said the thing they said. We also need to consider different points of view and critique are own work and ask myself where am I am coming from?

Richard also told us to contexrtualise everything! and to consider how to write your argument i.e. how are you going to answer your questions? what are you going to say? have you got evidence to back up your research. As well we have use triangulation which uses alternative theories that come together in the same body of date.  

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