Over the summer I gathered together some research on my dissertation about how technology is enhancing and how 3D animation and the real world are becoming one in the film industry. I did this by watching and analysing films like the life of pi and the new jungle book and how the CGI has gotten better throughout the years.
Before we broke up for summer last year we were briefed on CoP 3 and had to deliver a presentation on the research we gathered over the summer.
The feedback that I got from the presentation was very helpful in that I got directed towards looking at different rendering softwares and engines because they are the ones that have enhanced the most over the years and they play a huge part in making any film/animation look amazing.
Looking at different rendering techniques will also help me in my practical work because I will be using 3D animation and hopefully creating different rendered scenes using different renderers and then comparing the outcome of the experiment.
I also got told to explore more into studios such as Blue Zoo and Laike because they both produce the same aesthetic look in their animations but they have been produced in different ways. I.E Blue Zoo have a show called 'Miffy' which is a completely CGI tv series but it looks like its stop motion, where as Laika make beautiful stop motion animatios. I'll also compare their different technical techniques they use to create these animations.
Some of my peers recommended that I explore into looking at the people who created the tv show 'South Park' because its created in maya but its a 2D animation. another one was Lego movie because thats completely CGI but the textures and aesthetic of the animation looks like its stop motion, it might also relate to the research I will be doing in rendering because of how the characters where made so that they'd look exactly like Lego figurines.
I talked about comparing the films 'Life of Pi' and 'The Jungle Book' and how their VFXs has increased from one to the other. However, my tutor told me to look into the shaders/textures/lighting and again rendering because the animation hasn't really developed mush between them but the compositing and rendering has.
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