I did this by going onto the software After Effects messed about with the 3D editing part to create the effect of someone scrolling through the characters. I also added a glow effect to the characters so that it looks like its highlighted up when the character is being selected. I then placed in some stats to the characters so that you can compare to two characters and see which one is better. I've made most stats better on the realistic character but then made the person choose the sexist character because thats what gamers do.
After I did all that I then added some sound effects to the animation so that it'll give the effect of someone scrolling through characters on a menu screen. Some of the sound effects were taken from youtube so you might be able to recognise some of the sounds because they're from popular games.
A couple of things I would change in my animation would be having better looking stat boards because at the minute the stat boards are a bit bland. Another thing I would change would be the background because a simple ramp effect in After Effects still isn't appealing, and it doesn't really look like an actual gaming menu.
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