Wednesday, 27 April 2016

CoP Creative Responce - Tweaking Up in Maya

For this I wanted to add a couple of things to the scenes in Maya so the the characters aren't just in an empty space punching the air. In each scene I added a floor and two light and ambient light to just light up the area and then I added a spot light to highlight the character, plus I made the floor a bit reflective so that it looks like a proper wooden floor.

Mocap Character

Keyframed Character

Unfortunately I was unable to get the same lighting in both scenes because the motion captured character scene is so much larger than the keyframed character scene so that means the lighting will reflect differently on the characters and on the floor as well. I think another reason for this is because I couldn't position the characters, lights, cameras and floors in the same place in both scenes because they are in two completely different files and I can not copy and paste the attributes from one scene to the other. However, the scenes don't look that much different and you can still understand whats going on in each scene, plus they won't be playing at the same time so you won't really tell that much if the lighting has changed.  

You can probably also tell that in the images above one of the characters has no hair and the other one does, this is because I initially started off with the character having no hair and being bald. But I had the idea of giving the character a five o'clock shadow but on the top of his head, it turns out that this was harder than I thought it was going to be because when I added the shadow onto the head he just looked like a quails egg, so I gave him proper hair and I actually preferred it so now the character will have hair as well.      

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