Wednesday, 27 April 2016

CoP Creative Response - Rigging Character for Motion Capture

For this I had to go back a couple of stages in my character build so that the character does not have any controllers and a skeleton because in Maya you can apply a prebuilt skeleton to your character and then with that skeleton you can import the reference footage data from the motion capture and and place it on to the prebuilt skeleton, this then acts as the controller to the character. This is what I captured using the IPI software and the kinect cameras.

As you can see this is what it looks like when you import your motion capture data to the skeleton, your character imitates the reference skeleton. However, I did go back and reshoot my motion capture because I was not to pleased with the first outcome because I was only able to use one of the two kinect cameras at college because at the time they couldn't fine both cameras.  

This is what it looks like with the new motion capture footage data when applied onto the character. There are a couple of thing wrong with the character which are the polygon count in the character is to low for it to fully imitate the reference skeleton but this can be fixed. The hardest part of this process was attaching on the prebuilt skeleton to my character  because I had to rescale my character to the skeleton and then I had to position the skeleton to the right dimensions of my character and then I had to bind the skeleton to the character and hope that there were not problems with the character moving around. I had to do this a couple of times because it kept messing up or my computer crashed, but I did it in the end.      

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